
My Baby Ate My Brain!

A new report on studies of memory function during pregnancy (and beyond) states that pregnant women were,
"significantly impaired on some, but not all, measures of memory, and, specifically, memory measures that place relatively high demands on executive cognitive control may be selectively disrupted. The same specific deficits associated with pregnancy are also observed postpartum."
Menfolk, before you start getting smug, there's more to this story. While I think every mother I know has attributed some mental lapse to "baby brain," remember that overall, motherhood makes us smarter.


Zach said...

So my question would be, what's the biological justification for pregmentia? Hmmmmm.

Elizabeth said...

Maybe an excuse to put your feet up at the end of a long day and let your husband tend to all those brain-taxing tasks of managing the household, like all those dirty dishes in our sink? What do you think, dearest?

make money online blog said...

Lol...I could see how pregnancy could seriously affect your memory.

Failed soda crystal pepsi said...

Hahah too funny. :)

Avgn ebegging again said...

This made me lol :) Love the blog.