
Celebrity Homebirth

The wife of John McGinley, one of the actors from Scrubs, just gave birth to their baby girl at home. It's nice that the coverage of the happy news has been matter-of-fact and positive. In a celebrity-obsessed culture, we need some good folks like this to balance out the scheduled c-sections.

While waiting for a haircut appointment a few years ago, I came across an article written by Thandie Newton about her wonderful home birth in the Oprah magazine. I can't find the full text online, but here's a snippet:
"It just seemed obvious: I didn't want the conventional picture of a woman on her back with doctors urging her to push. In fact, I didn't want my experience to be controlled by anyone other than me... I knew I needed to be in a place that I identified with trust and safety, and in my home I could be whatever I wanted to be, whenever I wanted... [W]ith a healthy pregnancy, I knew who the expert was: me."
Who else is birthing at home? Can they make this the latest cool thing to do? Dior birth tubs, anyone?

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