A friend of mine just had a baby, and the Cesarean rate of the women in her childbirth class was 57%. These were all first time moms who now have the choice between an elective Cesarean and all its attendant risks with their next births, or a VBAC which is increasingly becoming less of an option with many mainstream care providers. Mothers attempting a VBAC face the physical barriers and restrictions in place at many hospitals, as well as the emotional hurdles that come with attempting something widely regarded as "more dangerous" by the medical community and society at large. (for more information on the REAL risk comparison of VBAC vs. repeat Cesarean look here)
This problem is epidemic and it affects us all, whether we are birthing women or not. 57% of women in this class were told they couldn't birth their babies. This is startling, and wrong. It will not stop until we do something to stop it. ACOG is telling us the rising Cesarean rate is due to more overweight and older women getting pregnant and ignoring the other major issues like their own fear of litigation. It's up to us. We cannot know the possible effects that a large Cesarean rate could have on humanity at large. What we do know is that it has the potential to obliterate the confidence and feminine wisdom of an entire generation of women. Women deserve the opportunity to give birth vaginally without fear!
Pregnant women, what can you do to help reduce your risks of Cesarean? This is a short, quick and dirty list. I'll be posting more Cesarean prevention tips throughout April.
- Consider an out of hospital birth if you are healthy and low-risk. Both birth center and homebirth midwives have dramatically lower Cesarean rates than their hospital counterparts.
- Hire a doula. A doula can help you navigate the childbirth system and teach you how to ask the right questions to decide whether intervention is appropriate or not.
- Read EMPOWERING birth stories. Don't watch "A Baby Story" or shows that focus on "baby emergencies". Try both of Ina May Gaskin's books for a start. Focus on what your body is capable of instead of what can go wrong.
- Take a GOOD childbirth class. Consider an independent instructor. These classes often cost more but they are worth it because you're not going to be fed only what the hospital wants you to know. ALACE and Birthing From Within are organizations to consider.
- Turn that breech and try to prevent the odds of back labor with a well-positioned baby. This offers no guarantees against back labor, babies move throughout labor, but it's healthy to try! Do yoga, and check out Spinning Babies for more tricks and techniques for turning both breeches and posterior babies.
- Stay home until you are in ACTIVE LABOR! Simply getting to the hospital too soon skyrockets your chances of Cesarean. More on how to know "it's time" later...
- Choose your care giver wisely. Ask good questions, and expect them to give you open, honest answers. If you feel like they are being evasive, press harder. Don't put your care giver on a pedestal: you are the ULTIMATE expert on your pregnancy and baby, and they work for you. Don't be afraid to look elsewhere for answers or second opinions. TRUST is essential for a good relationship with your care provider. Another note on care providers: if your OB is known as "THE best C-section doc in town"...there is probably a reason for that. And it is more than likely because s/he performs a lot of them. Find out why.
You are very wrong when it comes to c-sections. The mortality rate for women in their childbearing years used to be significantly higher. MANY women died in childbirth, where a c-section would have saved their life. The reason why we see a lot of women having c-sections is that these are the women who would have DIED from childbirth otherwise. I'm one of these women. I am not physically capable of having a vaginal birth, not because of a handicap, but because my hips don't spread and I don't dilate past a four. With my first birth I tried for 70 hours. I walked, squatted and did everything to assist my baby's birth... all to no avail. I went into cardiac arrest from the strain. My vagina was extended roughly five inches outside of my body. I was in surgery for several hours and my child's apgar was 0 when she came out. I tried with my second child. I had the same results. After about 18 hours of labor, never dilating past a 4 and my heart rate going insane, my doctor asked me to consider a c-section. I cried. I felt terrible about not being able to get my child out the "natural" way. I was feeling like less of a "wombyn". I consented and was grateful that I did. My doctor told me it would be in the best interest of my health to not have any more children. My third pregnancy was a scheduled c-section. It was great. My husband and I participated fully in the whole experience. I can't have any more children. It would kill me and leave my children motherless. Having c-sections saved my life. To tell women that their medical professional is wrong and to encourage them to "fight for their right" to have a vaginal birth (making them more of a wombyn?) is irresponsible. Shame on you.
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